Colonia Del Valle to D&H Air Conditioning & Heating, 3990 S Evans Blvd Tucson, AZ 85714
The Colonia del Valle neighborhood in Tucson has a population of 4,684. Residents describe the area as having a sparse suburban feel and most residents own their homes. the area counts many bars, restaurants, coffee shops and some parks. The local public schools are highly rated.
University High School
Annie Kellond Elementary School
Alice Vail Middle School
Rincon High School
Tucson Unified District
Homes in Colonia Del Valle are on the market for an average of 103 days and are typically purchased at close to asking price. Property taxes hover around $1,329 per year. On average, homes here are $88 per square foot and typically list for around $130,000.
2019 Neighborhood Favorites
The votes have been tallied and the Colonia Del Valle neighbors selected several businesses as their Neighborhood Favorites for 2019.
Evergreen Flowers
6085 E 22nd St
VCA Valley Animal Hospital and Emergency Center
4984 E 22nd St
Brushfire BBQ
7080 E 22nd St
Octopus Car Wash
7210 E 22nd St